Sunday, April 24, 2011

An Easter Message

Dear Girls,

Today is Easter.  All week we've been reading in the scriptures and talking about what Jesus did during the week before his crucifixion and resurrection.  We talked about what Jesus did for us in the Garden of Gethsemane, but I don't think we talked about it enough.

This morning, as we were getting ready for church, I thought of what I'd like to teach you--as young children--about the atonement.  Imagine that you broke your leg.  Your leg hurts and your cast itches.  I have never broken a leg.  Neither has your dad.  We can tell you we are sorry your leg hurts and try to suggest ways to make it stop itching, but since neither one of us has ever had that problem, we don't really know what it feels like.  Your Uncle Larry broke his leg a few years ago.  He knows exactly what it feels like, and he could probably tell you some ideas to make you feel more comfortable.  Do you think you might like to talk to him about your broken leg?  Do you think he might be helpful since he's felt the same kind of pain?  I think so, too.

Now, let me tell you about your older brother, Jesus Christ.  Before Jesus was crucified, he went to a garden (the Garden of Gethsemane).  There he prayed to our Father in Heaven for a long time.  During that prayer, he he took upon himself our sins and our sorrows.  I don't know how he did it, but I know that he felt every possible pain that we will ever feel in this life.  He felt disappointment, physical pain, and the terrible sorrow of sin.  He felt the pain of neglect, of shattered dreams, of losing someone we love, of failure, and of nightmares.  He knows what it's like to have your heart broken, to love someone and have them not love you back, to be embarrassed, to feel ashamed, to scrape your knee, and to break a bone.  He knows the pain of cancer and every sickness that weakens and deforms the body, and he knows the pains of those taking care of loved ones suffering from those same sicknesses.

Girls, I want you to know that whatever bad feeling you have--whatever pain you face--our Savior, Jesus Christ has felt all of those feelings.  He knows exactly how you feel and exactly how to help you feel better.  Dad and I can give you a hug and talk to you about any of your problems, but true healing will come through Jesus Christ.  When you feel sad, afraid, frustrated, or in pain, please come to me or Dad.  We love you.  But don't forget to pray.  Jesus and Heavenly Father love you, too.  They are just waiting for you to ask for help.

I wish you could never feel pain, but I know you will.  It's part of our Heavenly Father's plan.  We need pain in order to grow and become more like God.  Without pain, we would never understand true joy.  I'm grateful that my Savior, Jesus Christ atoned for our sins and for our sorrows.  Because of that important sacrifice, I know that we can repent when we make mistakes, and that we can turn to him for help whenever we are in pain.

I love you.  Don't forget to pray!

Love, Mom.