Tuesday, October 4, 2011

About Diets

Dear Girls,

Today I am starting a diet, but I want to tell you why.  It is not because I want to look like someone on TV or in the movies--or even because I want to look like anyone else.  It's because I want to look and feel like me again.  I want to be healthy and have energy.  I want to feel like playing with you girls.  I don't want to be tired all the time anymore.  I want to feel good about myself and my body.  I want to be healthy.

All your life, the world will tell you that you need to diet in order to have the perfect body.  They will tell you that you aren't good enough--aren't skinny enough--aren't pretty enough.  I want you to know that all of that is false.  It's a lie.  You are beautiful--no matter what the world says.  Heavenly Father created us, and He gave us each unique characteristics and qualities.  We are all equally special and beautiful.  The world should not decide what qualities are beautiful.  We should! 

If you don't feel healthy; if you don't have energy; if you know that you are eating too much of what's bad for you and not exercising--then those are reasons to go on a healthy diet.  Not to look like someone else's idea of what's beautiful. 

I love you.  You are beautiful.

Love, Mom